New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


You know that you get the best results when you’re honest. Once you start on that path, though, it’s impossible to go back. Anyone who has felt the power of truth, integrity and consistenc­y of character is unlikely to want anything else. Yet one thing is vital: You must know when to admit either that you were wrong, or that you now have a better idea. You share a birthday with Frank Lloyd Wright, Bonnie Tyler and Kanye West. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Make sure you understate your accomplish­ments, particular­ly if something you’re working on is not done. People are looking for informatio­n and assurance, and your public statements need to be understate­d. Emphasize the quality of your work and the care you’re putting into it. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Keep your faith in your ideas. You know that you’re brewing something intelligen­t, useful and potentiall­y profitable. You must have enough confidence to initiate the conversati­on, and to express yourself in a way that’s compelling. For you, this is a choice. Summon your courage — and speak. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Part of taking leadership involves keeping an eye on the cost factor. No matter how brilliant and compelling you are, that’s what makes you part of the management team. You’re in an excellent position to do more with less. Do a beautiful job and come in just a little under budget. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Communicat­ion is the key to domestic bliss, and it doesn’t need to be a drama or a showdown. The best way to find out what people want is to ask them, and then be responsive. Life is always improvised, not scripted. That means saying “yes, and … ” rather than “no, but.” NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You may feel like things are taking a long time, but what exactly are you waiting for? You have some excellent opportunit­ies in front of you that are almost certain to lead to other positive experience­s. Don’t strive for what’s theoretica­lly perfect; reach for what’s real and accessible. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Don’t fall for the fear that something is too perfect, too real or too anything for that matter. And don’t panic if you’re being offered the kind of fun that requires that you check your device at the door. Current aspects describe something beautiful, emotional and distinctly physical. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 So-called negative feedback is often the most important, because it can reveal public attitudes, confusion, or some flaw in your plan that you may have overlooked. If anyone says something irritating, thank them and leave them feeling wonderful for how much they’ve helped. It’s probably true. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Above all else, don’t waste your time worrying about what’s happened in the past, or fretting over personal tendencies you don’t like. Instead, take the opportunit­y to feel good, and to share your kindness, affection and culinary skills with someone you truly care about: in person and offline.

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