New York Daily News




1 On vacation 5 Oft-buttered food 10 “___ the night before Christmas ...” 14 Jeans man Strauss 15 Impatient to get started 16 Ice hockey venue 17 Three things behind the house? 20 Did stitch work 21 Oscar hopeful 22 Talk with one’s hands 25 Stir-fry utensils 26 Triangular sail 29 Tube for a dummy on a couch? 31 Responds to a stimulus 35 Lennon’s beloved 36 Embankment 38 Monk’s hooded garment 39 Three things behind the house? 43 Close by, in old poems 44 Walk like a peacock 45 Snakelike fish 46 Put in a footlocker 49 German mister 50 Mud hole on a farm 51 Under sheets and blankets 53 Gloom’s go-with 55 Certain circus performer 58 Ill-mannered lummoxes 62 Three things behind the house? 65 Hathaway of Hollywood 66 Bat droppings 67 Murder 68 Homeowner’s proof of purchase 69 Shopper’s overindulg­ence 70 Pitchfork feature


1 Priests’ garments 2 “___ all in this together” 3 Take ___ of silence 4 “Yowza!” 5 Hamilton’s bill 6 Clumsy person 7 Opposed to, in the backwoods 8 Short-horned Asian antelope 9 Earth shake 10 Carry on, as business 11 Finish line in a horse race 12 Poker fee 13 Where the sun sets 18 Acceptable for grubbing 19 Man with a peak 23 “Church,” “opera” or “movie” ending 24 Incredibly intense stars 26 Wayne and Adams 27 Arctic native 28 Hand drum 30 Train bed 32 Some soft drinks 33 Canary’s sound 34 In a sneaky manner 37 Miscalcula­ted 40 Stymied 41 Multinatio­nal currency 42 Relaxing walk 47 Black, in old poetry 48 Corrects, as software 52 Obstruct a river 54 Like fresh cake 55 Prime rating 56 Walker’s alternativ­e 57 Ski lift 59 Grapefruit relative 60 “Smarter ___ the average bear” 61 Eyelid annoyance 62 Michael Jackson hit 63 180 degrees from WSW 64 Caviar

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