New York Daily News

Will rule on refusal to bake gay-nups cake

- The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is taking on a new clash between gay rights and religion in a case about a wedding cake for a same-sex couple in Colorado.

The justices said Monday they will consider whether a baker who objects to same-sex marriage on religious grounds can refuse to make a wedding cake for a gay couple.

The case asks the high court to balance the religious rights of the baker against the couple’s right to equal treatment under the law.

The decision to take on the case reflects renewed energy among the court’s conservati­ve justices, whose ranks have been bolstered by the addition of Justice Neil Gorsuch.

The court will review a Colorado decision that found baker Jack Phillips and his Masterpiec­e Cakeshop discrimina­ted against the gay couple under Colorado law. way for the THE SUPREME Court on Monday cleared the from the administra­tion to implement its ban on people do not have a six targeted Muslim majority countries who in “bona fide relationsh­ip” with a person or organizati­on the United States. Syria The six countries are Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, be affected and Yemen — but how many people would actually is unclear. nonimmigra­nt State Department data for fiscal year 2016 shows visas were given to: How many people will be affected by the Supreme against Court’s partial stay of lower court injunction­s State Department’s Trump’s travel ban will depend on what the looks interpreta­tion of “bona fide relationsh­ip” like in practice. The Supreme Court cited some exempted categories, including students looking to study at U.S. institutio­ns, members visiting lecturers and those looking to join family set limits as such as a spouse. But the justices did fleeing well, including some seemingly aimed at refugees qualify as a violence in Syria. The court said it would not such as a “bona fide relationsh­ip” for a nonprofit group as clients refugee resettleme­nt program to add people in order to get them into the United States.

 ??  ?? The Associated Press Christophe­r Brennan
The Associated Press Christophe­r Brennan

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