New York Daily News

One poisonous Rx


If facts matter — a big if — a damning new nonpartisa­n assessment of the Republican Senate’s Obamacare repeal should be more than enough to consign that bill to the dustbin. According to the Congressio­nal Budget Office, the number of Americans without health insurance will spike by 15 million next year, on its way to 22 million by 2026.

Deductible­s will shoot up. Middle-income sixtysomet­hings will be forced to pay many thousands more in premiums. And $772 billion will be cut from Medicaid over 10 years.

We remind you: As a candidate, Donald Trump pledged not to cut Medicaid. And just two weeks ago, the President called the House health care bill, which the CBO said would result in 24 million fewer Americans on the insurance rolls, “mean.”

With Majority Leader Mitch McConnell still planning to ram through the Senate version this week, Republican­s who worry about electrocut­ing the baby in the bathwater need to raise their voices.

Like Nevada’s Dean Heller, who said last week: “I cannot support a piece of legislatio­n that takes away insurance from tens of millions of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Nevadans.”

Or Maine’s Susan Collins, who said, “I cannot support a bill that is going to result in tens of millions of people losing their health insurance.”

Or Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, who fears “health outcomes that would start going backwards.”

Or Louisiana’s Bill Cassidy, a critic of the House bill, who said that Monday’s CBO score “makes me more concerned.”

Obamacare needs good-faith improvemen­ts, not industrial shredding. Everyone knows it. Will a single Republican lead in that direction?

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