New York Daily News

Get it while you can...

- Shake Shack Snickers “Hunger Bars” Starbucks Frappuccin­o, Taiyaki NYC

“The course of true love never did run smooth,” so it’s said in William Shakespear­e’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” But milkshakes are always smooth. The Upper West Side Shack (366 Columbus Ave.) is now serving a — a strawberry­and-rose indulgence (above) topped with whipped cream and fairy dust sprinkles. They’re $5.79, and all proceeds benefit the Public Theater’s programs, including the company’s production of “Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The play, and the drink special, run through Aug. 13.

Unicorn encounters used to be rare, but ever since the magical, mythical beasts inspired a

they’ve been popping up more often around town. The latest limitededi­tion sighting is at (119 Baxter St.), where signature fish-shaped cones (below) that are flavored with redbean paste come filled with strawberry­vanilla soft serve. The treats are topped with an edible unicorn horn and ears (made from top-secret ingredient­s), sprinkles and candy stars — and are $8 apiece, while they last.

Now you can let friends or coworkers know you think they’re a “Hot Mess” or “Cray Cray” without breathing a word to them. Just drop a

on their desk. The brand has re-launched its series, replacing the name of the nougat, caramel and peanut-packed chocolate bar on the packaging with 25 new hunger “symptoms” like “Befuddled,” “Knucklehea­d” and “Snarky.” The limited edition wrappers will be available through summer, and they encase not only Original Snickers bars, but also Almond, Peanut Butter Squared, and Crisper varieties.

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