New York Daily News



Our old Rosedale friend Charles Pratt walks out of a Chinese Restaurant in Lynbrook and is feeling super!

“OK, so my wife wanted Chinese food (she hasn’t had in over a year). So two of my sisters, my wife, and I go to ‘So Far So Good’ in Lynbrook.

“Two minutes in, a woman starts to scream that her husband can’t breathe. He was choking. A young woman jumped up and tried the Heimlich. She couldn't reach around him. So I got up and gave him 3 squeezes, and he threw up.

“The workers were looking at me like I’m the next coming of God. So I'm home now. I need a rest. This Superhero stuff is tiring. “Confucious says ‘Chew food or Choke.’ NOTE: You can email Mighty at Mighty was waiting on the Dodgers on Tuesday and likes the Blue Jays on Wednesday. The deficit is 1145 sirignanos.

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