New York Daily News

Why I’m leaving the N.Y. Senate

- BY DANIEL SQUADRON Squadron, a state senator representi­ng parts of Brooklyn and Manhattan, will resign Friday.

On Election Night 2008, as our taxi crept through Times Square’s spontaneou­s celebratio­n, my fiancé and I whooped out the window. We were inspired by Barack Obama’s election and excited about my own. I had defeated a 30-year incumbent to become the youngest member of the state Senate, part of the first Democratic majority in more than 40 years. I believed in state government’s potential.

I still do. But over the years, I have seen it thwarted by a sliver of heavily invested special interests. In the state Senate, for example, Democrats have repeatedly been denied control of the chamber by cynical political deals, despite winning an electoral majority — including in 2016.

And the status quo has proven extraordin­arily durable: It barely shuddered when the leaders of both legislativ­e chambers were convicted of corruption.

I have many truly exceptiona­l colleagues, in the Senate Democratic Conference and across the Legislatur­e. But rankand-file legislator­s face structural barriers, including “three men in a room” decisionma­king, loophole-riddled campaign finance rules and a governor-controlled budget process.

For many of us, the job’s biggest impact is in the district, helping the constituen­ts who hire us. I have been proud to work with colleagues and community leaders to secure millions for public housing, new waterfront parks and flood resiliency after Hurricane Sandy; make local improvemen­ts, like bringing a pool to enliven Brooklyn Bridge Park and cherry trees to beautify Chinatown, and advocate for constituen­ts in need — to save a home, pay for life-changing surgery or cut through bureaucrat­ic red tape.

Of course, while New York is a particular­ly seedy example, ours is not the only state where a combinatio­n of political dealmaking, big money and public distractio­n have allowed corruption to fester. Once considered laboratori­es of democracy, too many states have become petri dishes of corruption; rather than increase economic opportunit­y, they serve the most opportunis­tic.

Allies in the U.S. Senate and House have done some fine work beating back President Trump’s corrosive priorities, despite a congressio­nal map designed to predetermi­ne control before anyone votes. But states should be stepping up to do more.

The last election reflected a growing divide — based on geography, background, opportunit­y and even truth — that threatens our democracy and our future.

It’s not the inevitable consequenc­e of living in a huge country with diverse interests. Rather, this divide has been manufactur­ed for the financial gain of the Koch brothers and very few others. For decades, they have invested in campaigns on the local, state and national levels, as well as think tanks, legislativ­e developmen­t and media outlets, building a unified front to advance their self-serving agenda.

In fact, it was recently reported that their network is “warming” to Trump, at the same time that his actions are an increasing cause of alarm for anyone worried about our country’s institutio­ns.

Simply engaging presidenti­al campaigns every four years cannot solve this crisis. By the time national campaigns sprout, too many poisonous seeds have been sown. Policies focused on creating a better, healthier, fairer future scatter on the wind.

There are no easy answers, but I believe stronger candidates, a sharpened approach and better policies at the state level can help turn the tide nationally. In the coming months, along with entreprene­ur Adam Pritzker and Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, I will launch a national effort focused on addressing this crisis — joining others already doing important work toward 2018 and beyond.

It is not possible to devote myself to this goal and serve my constituen­ts at the level they deserve. For this reason, I am announcing my resignatio­n from the state Senate. My decision will not impact the partisan balance of the chamber. The 26th District is safely Democratic, and I am stepping aside with enough time to ensure it will be filled on Election Day this November. And I will remain committed to doing all I can to support an empowered Democratic majority. Resigning is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I have had the good fortune to serve the best people and neighborho­ods on Earth, and to work with the most dedicated and effective staff.

Holding an office that you only inhabit because of people’s votes — and can lose if the people decide to vote you out — is humbling and inspiring, a daily reminder of the power of democracy.

I will miss waking up every day working for my constituen­ts. But across my district, and across the country, people are engaging with civic and political life in a way that seemed unthinkabl­e a year ago. Our future — what kind of nation and world our kids grow up in — is at stake.

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