New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


It’s not always easy to live honoring the truth and nothing but the truth, though it’s always worth it. There can be no compromisi­ng your integrity; and you must hold your boundaries in your relationsh­ips, whether this applies to money, sex, your spiritual endeavors or any other facet of your life purpose. Others may challenge your integrity, though you will prevail. You share a birthday with John Dryden, Whitney Houston and Audrey Tautou. JUNE 21-JULY 22 Give yourself the chance to think in terms of best-case scenarios. As the expression goes, “dream a little,” which is to say: Consider what might be possible if everything went beautifull­y and your wishes came true. This is a useful thought experiment, designed to make room for what you truly want. JULY 23-AUG. 22 There’s an idealism in the air today, though don’t let it color your good sense where financial transactio­ns are concerned. Delay new agreements, particular­ly those involving spoken or written contracts, long enough to have every last one of your questions answered. Know when you don’t know. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Mercury, now in your sign, is about to turn to retrograde motion, which will span from Aug. 12 to Sept. 5. This is a time of reevaluati­on, which you can begin now. Don’t rush the process. Take things one day at a time. The deepest revelation­s will arrive the first week of September. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Power and influence can be focused through feeding the people. I mean this literally. Your solar chart this week is all about a special responsibi­lity you have, which mainly involves emotional bonding, and food. This is true whether you’re president of a big company, or a great-granny. Feed the people OCT. 23-NOV. 21 You may want to let your fantasies run away with you, described by today’s lush conjunctio­n of the Moon and Neptune. While this may seem contrary to doing business and keeping your productivi­ty going, the most vexing problems yield beautifull­y to the power of imaginatio­n. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 If you’re feeling insecure or isolated, stretch past that. Plenty of people are interested in you and what you have to offer. They appreciate your serious and sincere approach to life. It’s true that not many people can think on your level, but if you give them a chance you may be surprised. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Measure your words carefully, as they are likely to travel farther and wider than you’re expecting. You’re also subject to being misinterpr­eted. So take the time and effort to get your facts right, to be complete and to remove any ambiguitie­s from a written presentati­on or correspond­ence. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Take a conservati­ve approach to money. Current aspects suggest you’re not being realistic about something, and that you could be working with incomplete informatio­n. The same may be true for contracts, which require special scrutiny now. Read the fine print, and notice what is left out. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Today’s Moon-Neptune conjunctio­n in your sign is something of a mental vacation. It may not be easy to keep your mind on your work and your responsibi­lities, though you do need a break from those things. If you can arrange it, today would be an excellent day for fun and play.

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