New York Daily News

Mushroom clod’s life of boasts


PRESIDENT TRUMP has been promising for more than 30 years that he could do away with nuclear threats — possibly in just one hour.

Here’s a look at some of the times he said it would be simple:

1984 A Washington Post profile said that after the 38-year-old Trump fulfilled his ambitions to build the “greatest” and “tallest” structures in New York City, he hoped to “one day fulfill his fantasy of becoming the U.S. negotiator on nuclear arms limitation talks with the Soviets.”

“It’s something that somebody should do that knows how to negotiate and not the kind of representa­tives that I have seen in the past,” Trump said.

“It would take an hour and a half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles . . . I think I know most of it anyway.”

1985 Trump told Manhattan Inc. magazine that “nothing matters as much to me now” as brokering a nuclear deal, and claimed he was “dealing at a very high level on this.”

1986 Trump’s obsession had now run long enough for him to wrangle a private meeting with Dr. Bernard Lown, a cardiologi­st who earned a Nobel Peace Prize for co-founding a group of physicians trying to prevent nuclear war.

Trump said he was going to call “Ronnie” — President Ronald Reagan — and ask to be appointed as an ambassador to Russia who could singlehand­edly set up a nuclear arms deal.

“It’ll take one hour of discussion before the Cold War is over,” Trump said, according to Lown.

Lown told The Hollywood Reporter Trump’s plan was “idiocy” and that the real estate tycoon “didn’t understand the complexity of the issues.”

1999 While weighing a presidenti­al run with the Reform Party, Trump said North Korea now stood as his largest fear.

In a “Meet the Press” interview, Trump warned — accurately — that North Korean nukes could soon become one of the world’s greatest problems.

But he said he would “negotiate like crazy” with North Korea to get “the best deal possible” to avoid an explosive outbreak.

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