New York Daily News

Council Dem Jumaane eyed as Cuomo foe

- Kenneth Lovett

ALBANY — City Councilman Jumaane Williams is the latest name to surface as a possible 2018 Democratic primary challenger to Gov. Cuomo.

The Brooklyn Democrat, considered one of the Council’s farthest left, on Sunday told the Daily News he’s been approached by various people asking him to think about a run.

Williams, who didn’t name those encouragin­g him, did not rule a gubernator­ial run out, even though he said right now he is “100% solely focused” on running for the Council speakershi­p. But, he added, “It’s hard in politics to use the ‘never’ word.

“People are worried and looking for people who are not afraid to stand up and speak truth to power.I’m just honored that people would think of me in that way,” Williams said.Williams has been a councilman since 2010. He co-created the council’s progressiv­e caucus and has been an outspoken critic of NYPD policies.

Cuomo campaign Chairman Bill Mulrow said the governor won passage of a $15 hourly minimum wage, as well as the creation of statewide paid family leave, raising of the age of criminal responsibi­lity and enactment of free college tuition for people making up to $120,000.

“This governor doesn’t talk about progressiv­e issues, he actually gets them done,” Mulrow said.

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