New York Daily News

It’s déja blew all over again

- Nicole Hensley

KATRINA and Rita got her good. Harvey only got her roof.

Hurricane-hardened Johna Reiss was one of the thousands who made Texas their new home after fleeing storm-ravaged New Orleans in 2005. She even commemorat­ed it by helping to gather an oral history of fellow evacuees called “Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston.”

“It’s very familiar, which is a little bit unnerving,” Reiss said of the typhoon deja vu, vu. “This is a little more devastatin­g to watch because with Katrina, the storm passed over. Harvey has just sat over Houston and has not really left.”

So Reiss has spent the past few days hunkered down in her leaky townhouse with her sister, a friend and two pups.

“I’m blessed compared to a lot of people. I’m in a place high enough to not be flooded and have power,” she said. “But that could change at any time.”

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