New York Daily News



Stephen Bannon tells “60 Minutes” tonight that Chris Christie didn’t get`the White House gig he craved because he wasn’t “there” for Donald Trump during the Billy Bush “grab ’em by the p--y” debacle.

Right. And I like that extra 10 pounds I’m walking around with.

Sounds like Bannon, who himself got kicked to the curb despite his loyalty to the big guy, is engaging in — oh no! — fake news. The former presidenti­al adviser, who appears to have developed a pesky case of insanity, had to know that Christie had been used by The Donald like a two-ruble Russian hooker. Christie, at the time deep in the roadkill of Bridgegate, probably thought Trump was his ticket out of the gutter, only to find himself kissing the blacktop instead of butts at the White House.

Don’t believe Bannon’s blarney. It wasn’t about Christie’s lack o’ loyalty, but about disloyalty to the family after the fact. Christie, everyone forgets, nailed and jailed Jared Kushner’s father. You think Trump’s boy adviser would let Christie in?

Appointing Christie as the coveted U.S. attorney would be as likely as Christie appointing Steve Bannon as his crisis manager.

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