New York Daily News


- Become familiar with their friends Eliminate easy access Rely on real talk Plan ahead Always get an ETA Jordan Galloway

Make a point of getting to know your child’s social network — not just the names of his or her friends, but also their families. Why? The majority of underage substance use happens at home — either yours or theirs. Find out their house rules regarding drugs and alcohol, and share yours, too. The fastest way to reduce the risk of underage substance use is by cutting off your teen’s supply to drugs and alcohol. At home, you can do this by keeping your liquor cabinet locked and counting the number of beers or boozy beverages you keep in the fridge.

Make a point of telling local business owners that sell alcohol how much you appreciate them carding at their counters. And report anyone providing drugs or alcohol to minors to the police. Reinforce your zero-tolerance policy regarding underage substance use through regular conversati­ons with your child. Focus on why your house rules are about prevention — not punishment — and be consistent, both with your message and your actions. Before your child goes out, ask them these questions: Where are you going? What’s the address? Will there be a parent or adult present? In addition, ask them to call and check in with you throughout the evening to ensure they’re making safe, smart decisions.

Create an SOS text they can use if they find themselves in need of help. Don’t be afraid to drop by and check in on them — or call the home where they’re hanging out to see how things are going. Create a curfew for your kids and make a point of meeting them when they get home — if they know you’ll be waiting up for them, they’re less likely to use drugs or alcohol. Give them a hug, ask them how their night was, and tell them you’re proud of them for making healthy choices. But also consider what you’d say or do if they came home under the influence. Having a game plan already in mind will make you better able to handle the situation.

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