New York Daily News

Building obstacles to employment

- BY JOHN BANKS Banks is president of the Real Estate Board of New York.

Wednesday, the City Council is expected to pass legislatio­n that will dramatical­ly change the training standards for many constructi­on workers in New York City. This bill fails to address several basic problems that, if left unaddresse­d, will result in many fewer constructi­on job opportunit­ies for New Yorkers.

Contrary to the misstateme­nts and distortion­s put forward by several interest groups, including the building trade unions, the Real Estate Board of New York and our members believe that all workers deserve safety training.

Last April, we at the Real Estate Board worked with the Council to develop bills that were subsequent­ly passed, including one requiring safety plans and personnel on smaller sites where most constructi­on-related accidents and fatalities occur.

We oppose this legislatio­n because we know that it is possible to increase safety standards without putting thousands of hardworkin­g New Yorkers out of a job. We have been joined in our opposition by a coalition of civil rights organizati­ons, minority- and women-owned business enterprise­s, affordable housing advocates and independen­t contractor­s.

Since early in the process, our coalition has repeatedly voiced concerns — but the bill still fails to address them.

First, how will thousands of workers pay for the safety training required under this legislatio­n? The latest census says there are nearly 185,000 constructi­on workers in New York City. It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of them are nonunion. A substantia­l portion of these workers do not have an ongoing relationsh­ip with a contractor — meaning they freelance from job to job, working for many contractor­s over a period of time.

For these workers, the cost for the new training will come out of their own pockets. Using the Council’s own estimate, the cost of receiving the training will be $1,250 per worker. That is an incredibly steep price for the almost 46,000 workers who earn less than $50,000 a year. And while the Council has allocated $5 million for a training fund for 4,000 workers — less than 10% of the lower-income workforce — much more is needed to ensure that all workers have access to safety training.

Second, how will all these workers be trained? Currently, there are only 22 training providers approved by the city Buildings Department that can train nonunion workers. Federal regulation­s limit certain class sizes to only 40 students. According to the last census, more the half of the city’s constructi­on workers are not native English speakers, and 20% have less than a high school degree.

For this legislatio­n to successful­ly train all workers and not result in significan­t displaceme­nt of the workforce or pricegougi­ng, there will need to be a dramatic increase in the number of training providers. Those providers will also need to demonstrat­e that they can service the many challenges presented by the city’s constructi­on workforce.

Third, what steps are being taken to curb fraud? Under the legislatio­n, every worker will be required to carry a site-safety training card issued by the training provider in order to work. While the Buildings Department may require uniformity in the card’s appearance and informatio­n, the agency will not be able to verify the cardholder’s training certificat­ion. The bill does not call for any independen­t third party to verify the training of the cardholder.

This lack of oversight, particular­ly in the wake of recent reports about fraud and abuse surroundin­g federal Occupation­al Safety and Health Administra­tion training cards, could lead to abusive practices by training providers and a proliferat­ion of fraudulent safety cards.

Finally, why aren’t all workers subject to the bill’s safety training requiremen­ts? The bill excludes all new building projects four stories and below, even though these projects accounted for 80% of all permits and 35% of all the constructi­on-related fatalities between 2010 and 2015.

During this period, projects five to nine stories, which will need federal training known as OSHA 10 immediatel­y, represente­d only 13% of the work.

Moreover, the legislatio­n establishe­s a different set of rules for union workers without assessing whether or not such workers have obtained the specific training the legislatio­n is expected to call for. Six of the last 12 constructi­on workers to die in New York City belonged to a union.

Union officials are quick to argue that 90% of constructi­on-related fatalities were on nonunion projects — but they ignore the fact that nearly 98% of the private-sector constructi­on work done in New York City is nonunion or open shop, according to the permits issued by the Buildings Department. The facts warrant that we ensure all constructi­on workers receive basic safety training.

We share building trade unions’ optimism that this bill could lead to better safety practices among the constructi­on workforce. Unfortunat­ely, it could also divide the workforce into the haves and have-nots — with the have-nots heading to the unemployme­nt line.

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