New York Daily News



WE WILL spend the rest of our lives wheezing over why Donald J. Trump became President of the United States. Mr. IAlone-Can-Fix-It didn’t get to the White House by himself. He had help. And thanks to the combined efforts of the New Yorker, WNYC and ProPublica we got a name of one of his enablers: Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. The well-documented story goes as such: In 2006 Trump & Co. razed an abolitioni­st church to erect a tacky neighborho­od blight called Trump SoHo.And because Trump “deals” all involve marks instead of customers, the units were undesirabl­e and unsalable unless you listened to Trump’s grifting scions Ivanka and Junior lie like a POTUS tweet about the project. Which is fraud. Which is usually a crime when your last name isn’t Trump. Which is why in 2012 New York prosecutor­s made a case where Ivanka and Junior were looking at criminal charges. Enter longtime Trump lawyer/fixer Marc Kasowitz, who in 2012 made a $25,000 donation to Vance. Kasowitz and Vance met downtown in the DA’s office right after Vance returned the money. Three months after this Kasowitz powwow, Vance goes against his prosecutor­s and drops the case. Then Kasowitz donates more money, bundling other donations adding up to an additional $50,000. Then all is quiet while Trump ascends to the presidency. Of course, in the wake of this story being made public, Vance stated he will, now that we know about it, years later, return the $31,000 Kasowitz donation. This stinks. I’m not going to claim that if Cy Vance did his job fairly and justly that Trump wouldn’t be our President. But I can say that Cy has given his tacit support to Trump by overlookin­g his crooked deals. I can say that New Yorkers, like me, who petitioned for Vance to be on the ballot unopposed, are entitled to an explanatio­n. I can say that the erosion of public trust is at a crisis level. And I can say we deserve better than Cy Vance.

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