New York Daily News

Justice in South Carolina


Yes, America, in one case at least, black life does matter. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge David Norton sentenced former South Carolina cop Michael Slager to 20 years in prison for killing unarmed black motorist Walter Scott. In 2015, Slager, then an officer with the North Charleston police department, shot a fleeing Scott in the back. Slager claimed that he feared for his life after Scott attacked him during a traffic stop — and tried to wrestle Slager’s Taser away. Lies.

A passing witness and his cellphone video told the real story: Slager tasering Scott, Scott attempting to flee, Slager shooting him — then seemingly planting the Taser near the dying Scott’s body.

Despite all that evidence, a state trial ended with a hung jury.

Rather than face another trial, Slager then pleaded guilty to federal charges of murder and obstructio­n of justice and, at last, got the punishment he deserved.

A winding road, pockmarked with falsehoods and injustice, ended in the right place.

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