New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


A magnificen­t aspect between Venus and Neptune on your birthday is reminding you to put love first in your life. I don’t just mean romance. I mean demonstrat­ing your affection and appreciati­on for everyone you value in your life, and even people you don’t know or encounter by chance. This is a path to happiness, connection and community. You share a birthday with J. R. R. Tolkien, Victor Borge and Danica McKellar. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 The question is, how important is sex? Many underestim­ate its relevance, even those who are avid practition­ers. Your life seems to hinge on a question related to both your sexual identity and also the way that it’s influencin­g a relationsh­ip. The moral of the story: You need to have more fun. APRIL 20-MAY 20 A close partner is likely to be at a crossroads. This is one of those situations where it’s not about you, though you might think it is, which could lead to needless confusion. You’re more important to someone than you may recognize. Ease into this gently without letting it become a thing. MAY 21-JUNE 20 There’s plenty of everything to go around. Between you and the people you share resources with, you’re in the midst of actual abundance. However, this needs to be activated by awareness, and by a choice to use some resources for a community purpose. A group dinner will do. JUNE 21-JULY 22 If you can make peace with being a saucy, lusty person, you’ll be more creative, and your relationsh­ips more adventurou­s. The trick is not to fear the jealousy of others, which means not letting it regulate you. Push some boundaries, do what feels right, and let others deal with their own responses. JULY 23-AUG. 22 The theme of your life is not “work harder,” but rather, take care of yourself, so you can do what you want to do. One of them is to accomplish great things at work. You’re beginning the year with a newfound sense of purpose, and the freedom to take leadership in your affairs. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 If you’re one of those Virgos who often regrets not saying more, then the time has come to speak up. If you feel that you’ll shake up the world around you by uttering your opinion, then it must be a pretty important message. To persuade, gradually build consensus among the people around you. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 You’re making some important financial decisions this week, which you don’t need to rush. First, resolve to make the right decision; then, break that down into a series of steps. Each step is connected to vital informatio­n you need, and once you have that, you will know exactly what to do. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 It’s rare that someone is happy with the way every facet of their life is going. However, the way the planets are moving over the next four or five days is describing a series of opportunit­ies to improve many things at once. Stick to what you want. That will provide you with a meaningful goal. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You may still be getting used to your newfound freedom. You have many options open, and you also know that your primary responsibi­lity is to yourself and nobody else. When that becomes the basis of your choices, suddenly it becomes possible to help and support many people. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You need examples for how to live, or at least something to aspire to. You’re growing; and like a plant, you need to reach for the light. Only the light you’re seeking is the truth. It’s self-awareness. It’s a commitment to doing the right thing, at every possible opportunit­y. Learn from positive examples. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 While you’re busy taking care of the many tasks that are currently occupying you, consider the future. Rather than making concrete plans, get clear with yourself about how you would live, under some ideal scenario. Be aware of your own needs and desires, and build your life around them.

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