New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


You will surprise even yourself with what you create this year, though for maximum access to your gifts, you must be flexible. Embrace change both as a necessity and an important push out of your comfort zone. Remember that new experience­s take time to develop, so stick with your decisions, and grow your life with the devotion of a gardener. You share a birthday with Clark Ashton Smith, Shonda Rhimes, and Orlando Bloom. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 It’s been an interestin­g week, and you’ve learned a lot more than you were expecting to. Take some time and size up the developmen­ts you’ve experience­d, and reassess certain goals and objectives based on what you now know. However, going forward, make small, calculated moves. APRIL 20-MAY 20 You might be thinking, “If I keep thinking this way, where will I end up?” However, you’ll have more fun and end up someplace much more interestin­g if you don’t bother yourself with that possibilit­y. You’re on a very interestin­g ride, and you can trust the direction you’re heading. MAY 21-JUNE 20 A partner or loved one seems to have no clue what they want, though don’t mistake that for lack of integrity. It can take time to figure out what’s useful, and usually that’s a process of eliminatio­n. By the end of the day, it will be obvious what’s not helpful – and, perhaps, what is. JUNE 21-JULY 22 You can hang loose; and you’ll be happier if you do, especially in your love life. Relax your expectatio­ns of others and of yourself, and give yourself room to be spontaneou­s. Given the choice, opt for the experience you’ve never had, or the person you’ve never spent time with. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Make sure you spend some time playing this weekend. You may have to catch up on some work-related business, but not as much as you think. You’re doing a good job of staying on top of things, and enlisting cooperatio­n. Get out and blow off some steam. That will help your efficiency. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 This is a good time to handle a sensitive matter involving finances or a contractua­l situation, particular­ly if it’s proven to be stubborn in recent months. Take an optimistic and light-hearted approach, and trust your intelligen­ce. No problem is over your head or beyond your abilities. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 If you’re feeling restless, get out of the house, camp out in a café and read and write. Your chart is describing you in a literary mood, but also with a case of cabin fever. Just make sure this is a pleasure trip, and go alone. Don’t get lured into dealing with business. It can wait a day or two. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Whatever you’re trying to do, you can do it for less than you think. Before you throw money at something, throw ideas at it. Conduct a few experiment­s and test your theory. You probably don’t need to upgrade or replace anything; you have something that will do the job just fine. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Don’t be afraid to try something new. You may be at a point of frustratio­n with your current approach, and need a change of pace. This can be a subtle shift -- you don’t need to throw away all your recent efforts as much as you need to learn from them. With each step, build on your knowledge. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 If you say something you weren’t planning to reveal, don’t worry about it. These things happen; and sometimes it’s best if reality gets out, even if you didn’t intend it. In the end, there are no secrets, and we’d all be happier living that way. Ultimately, there’s just one version of the truth. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Listen carefully for excellent ideas coming from friends, random acquaintan­ces and what floats past your news feed. As a Pisces, all tributarie­s and rivers flow into your ocean. You can seek inspiratio­n anywhere and everywhere, and right now there’s plenty to be found, even in the strangest places.

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