New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Today’s Moon-Jupiter conjunctio­n in the power angle of your chart is summoning you to take charge, which includes being visible. Make sure that people know what you’re doing. Don’t hide yourself away; make a point of showing, explaining, presenting, and developing your ideas out in the open. This will help you gather momentum, involvemen­t and feedback. Borrowing from Shakespear­e, all the world’s a laboratory. You share a birthday with Charles Dickens, Karen Joy Fowler and Chris Rock. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 A partner or loved one seems willing to get over some of their jealous tendencies. To that end, though, it will help if you focus your love and devotion directly on them, less as a means of reassuranc­e and more for the pleasure of sharing. The bottom line is that love is freedom. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Remember that you have the knowledge and experience to handle any workplace or family situation. But just a reminder, the way to take charge is to facilitate communicat­ion. First, find out what everyone is thinking, without expressing your opinion or making a decision. MAY 21-JUNE 20 You meet some of the sexiest people at work. Except that now, spies are scrutinizi­ng how delicately one presses the buttons on the copier, and enforcing the blank stare, so nobody gets the wrong idea about anyone’s intentions. Or are they? Breaking News: It remains legal to say hello politely. JUNE 21-JULY 22 There’s a fine chance your physical reality can match the quality of your fantasies, if you allow it to be so. This will require proceeding in a spirit of love and friendship (rather than, for example, drama and control). All things erotic and creative are ultimately about play so be playful. JULY 23-AUG. 22 You have every reason to be confident, though over-confidence is not helpful. Make sure you’re well prepared for any encounter, relating both to the specifics and the psychology involved. Move one piece at a time, and wait people out. Eventually they want to leave work and eat some food. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 You can convince anyone of anything today. It will help if: 1) you are correct, and 2) you underplay your hand. Don’t lay it on thick. State your reasoning like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and then be quiet. Let people respond, and keep responding till their arguments unravel. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 You may feel like you have more money than you do, so live within your means. It’s also a moment to recognize what you already have, and make good use of it. Our world is obsessed with more, more, more. As a prudent person, set the example that there’s such a thing as enough. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Don’t hesitate to make an important decision. Yes, it could affect the flow of your life, though that’s the whole point of deciding. Be aware that not choosing is also a form of choice, though one where you have less influence over your own affairs. You have a chance to exercise your power. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You’ve seen what’s possible when you confront your fear, and begin the thing you need to do, and want to do, the very most. In fact, you’ve seen this work over and over again: The way to overcome your anxiety is to take action. Your guidance systems are working better than you think. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Never trust a scandal. The only use of gossip is to shred it, or burn it. That energy is in the air today thanks to a Moon-Jupiter conjunctio­n (visible in the eastern sky after midnight, by the way), though this same aspect is also an invitation to celebrate life in the most positive ways. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 It’s funny what a little faith can do and right now, you have every reason to have plenty of the stuff, mostly in yourself. It’s perhaps never good to think of oneself as inevitable, though there’s some momentum behind what you’re doing, and endurance; not to mention strength of purpose.

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