New York Daily News

THE NEWS SAYS: Kids — and adults — are failing the test.


‘Another round of test results and another year of coveted offers for spots in the city’s elite public high schools brings yet another decline in the already microscopi­c number of black and Latino students admitted.”

Those were this column’s opening words two years ago. Last year, we wrote something similar.

The past bears repeating because the new numbers for last fall’s Specialize­d High Schools Admissions Test are not just bad, but abysmal.

While 28,333 eighth graders sat for the test to qualify for spots in Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech and five smaller schools, a 2% increase, the number of black and Latino kids taking the test fell 2%. The correspond­ing results: Just 10 black students were admitted to a Stuyvesant class of 902, down from 13 admitted last year. The Latino results dipped from 28 to 27.

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carmen Fariña, who decry the lack of diversity, promised progress. They dropped a section of the exam that had no connection to classroom work. For naught.

They had dedicated outreach teams encourage more black/Latino testers. For naught.

One bright spot: giving the test on a school day at local middle schools instead of at a central borough location on a weekend. Fifteen heavily black and Latino middle schools participat­ed, producing 500 more testers from those schools. Of them, 11% got spots, double those groups’ citywide rate. Next year, 50 middle schools will host. Good. But so far, not only kids are failing the specialize­d high school test. The adults are doing so, too.

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