New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


The planets advise that you take a serious and grounded approach to business and financial matters, but also that you keep your sense of humor. These are two sides to the same thing, which support and enhance one another. Keep laughing and let your creativity flow. Be thorough and attentive, and keep a close eye on the books and business records. You share a birthday with Laurel Clark, Timbaland and Neneh Cherry. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You may be puzzled about what side of a problem to tackle first. The answer is to choose one side or the other (there are probably two distinct aspects). Work on that, then switch. Clue: getting the language right is involved. That will lead to the correct mental posture and, therefore, to progress. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Jupiter has recently stationed retrograde in your opposite sign, which is a positive developmen­t in that it means you’ll have access to its energy for a good while longer. Resources are available to you. People appreciate you, the gifts you offer, and your friendly voice — and they’re willing to help. MAY 21-JUNE 20 If you’re going to get what you want from a business negotiatio­n, you need to see things from the other side’s point of view. They are not as dug into their perspectiv­e as it may seem. You need to present the right logic, and show how everyone benefits, especially them. JUNE 21-JULY 22 You possess a level of authority that you may not fully recognize. It would be helpful if you accept this, otherwise you may stumble over it. The thing you don’t want to do is argue. You might even dial back trying to reason with someone. Just learn everything you possibly can. JULY 23-AUG. 22 You may happen upon certain facts or figures that call on you to take a more realistic approach to a project or arrangemen­t. That may mean stripping away all that’s not truly necessary — for now. Stick to the basics, to what is essential, and what makes the motor run. Add the options in later. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 The mystery of a partnershi­p involves the nature of the agreement. Go back to the beginning. Which conditions and requiremen­ts were spelled out, and which were not? The ones that were left blank, or based on assumption­s, are the ones to address now. That will pull things into focus. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 It’s important to recognize when love interests take on the qualities of parental relationsh­ips. This is happening anytime an authority drama floats to the surface. You can count this as a good thing because it was lurking out of sight. Once you see it, you can address it honestly. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 If you feel like you’ve reached block in a project, thought process or work-related matter, you need a new idea. Not something radical or over the top, just something that takes a fresh approach, and is not entirely beholden to the past. We create the future one thought at a time. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 You are not a child; you cannot remind yourself of that too often today. You have power and influence in your own affairs. And if you’re dealing with someone who is acting immature, set an example of what it means to practice some selfdeterm­ination and integrity, and see if they catch on. a NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Mars in your sign is working its way toward a conjunctio­n with the Galactic Core, and will be picking up those vibes all weekend. This astrology is famous for having brilliant insights that you immediatel­y forget. They key is to immediatel­y remember, in pen, pencil or digital format. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You will need to review recent profession­al developmen­ts, in particular the financial and contractua­l aspects. Being in control of your life, and your business, is largely rooted in being in control of your money. Not a very popular way to be these days, but don’t let that stop you.

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