New York Daily News



Just two days before millions joined the March for Our Lives for gun control, Maryland school shooting victim Jaelynn Willey, 16, died after being taken off life support. Yet a news story called her murderous white boy killer, 17-year-old Austin Rollins, who came to school with a gun with the specific intention of killing her, a “lovesick teen.”

What a pile of stinking racist manure.

Hate-filled, yes. Sicko murderer, definitely. Lovesick? No.

If the killer had been black, he would have been called exactly what he was, a vicious murderer with access to a gun. If he’d been a Muslim, he would have been labeled a terrorist.

It’s past time for Americans to do two things: Remove guns from any homes with kids, and deal with the fact that most school shooters and mass murderers are not scary brown foreigners or black gangbanger­s, but white, middle-class Americans.

Thank God for the surviving Parkland kids, who managed to lead millions of people around the country to march for gun control.

As the prophesy foretold . . . and a little child shall lead them.

 ??  ?? Parents of Jaelynn Willey speak. Below, marcher in Washington Saturday.
Parents of Jaelynn Willey speak. Below, marcher in Washington Saturday.

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