New York Daily News

Lawyers ‘ask’ a lot of potential Chapo jurors


PROSECUTOR­S and defense lawyers want to play 20 questions with prospectiv­e jurors in El Chapo's upcoming trial — or more like 120 questions.

Months ahead of the Mexican drug lord’s trial, lawyers in the case unveiled a lengthy questionna­ire that pokes and prods with all kinds of queries.

The questionna­ire wonders if jurors have opinions on drug legalizati­on and if “allegation­s of large-scale narcotics traffickin­g” or “personal views towards people of Mexican descent” could interfere with their ability to be fair.

It also asks if jurors are familiar with Jesus Malverde, a Mexican Robin Hood-type who’s been dead for a century and regarded as a patron saint by some Mexican drug trafficker­s.

Jurors on Joaquin (El Chapo)

SGuzman’s case will be anonymous so prosecutor­s and defense lawyers need the questions to get a better view of the people deciding Guzman's guilt or innocence.

Prosecutor­s and the defense are clashing on some of the questionna­ire language and Brooklyn Federal Judge Brian Cogan will make the final call on what exactly jurors will be asked.

The trial against Guzman, 60, is scheduled to start in early September and is expected to run about three months.

Candidate jurors are slated to fill out the questionna­ires in midAugust.

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