New York Daily News

Expert tips for staying active as you age


Older people who exercise regularly have fewer age-related illnesses and often report better moods and more confidence. However, up to 75 percent of senior adults don’t exercise, so they miss out on these benefits and they put themselves at greater risk for additional health problems.

“It’s a vicious cycle,” says Joe Gallagher, Physical Therapist and Director of Operation Support Services at VNSNY. “Somebody who has limited mobility might be afraid they’ll injure themselves or fall, so they don’t exercise. Then they get weaker and even less mobile, and their fear and risk of injury increases. So it’s key to increase your activity to break the cycle.”

A visit to the physician is the best place to start. A doctor can provide recommenda­tions, as well as a referral to a physical therapist, who can tailor a program that takes into account mobility and health issues.

In addition, Gallagher suggests redefining exercise. If you’ve always heard that it takes an hour of cardio three times a week to make a difference, you may be surprised to learn that chair exercises, such as stretching arms overhead and pointing and flexing toes, can provide benefits!

Although experts do recommend at least 30 minutes of daily exercise for most people, it’s important to start slow. And Gallagher says, “Exercise in 10-minute increments can have a beneficial effect.” So consider that 30 minutes a goal, not a starting point.

Learn more about caring for yourself or a loved one by visiting VNSNY at or calling 855-867-6966.

— Visiting Nurse Service of New York

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