New York Daily News

Much ado about the anthem

- Sandra Y. Peters

West Harrison, N.Y.: Re “Let’s just ditch the anthem altogether” (column, May 25): Peter Botte, I agree with you 200% about the national anthem: “Stop playing it altogether at sporting events.” The only time the national anthem should be played at any sporting event is when the U.S.A. is hosting an event that includes another country. You highlight the hypocrisy connected to the alienation of people of color in the sporting arena when exercising their First Amendment right. No one seems to care that the concession stands are open and doing business as usual when the national anthem is being played, or that folks are waiting on line at the rest rooms. And the anthem isn’t being mandated to play before the President goes to work or goes golfing. What’s worst is that Americans who’ve burned the American flag have not been reprimande­d. I was beside myself the first time I saw an American burning the American flag. So why are we making such a big deal about athletes who take a knee at the singing of the national anthem?

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