New York Daily News

Killer carting co. can’t yet get back to biz


Sanitation Salvage won’t be able to operate on city streets until an independen­t auditor — which the city will pick, but the company will pay for — can clean up the killer carting company’s mess, officials said.

In a 10-page decision handed down Friday, the Business Integrity Commission said Sanitation Salvage “may not operate as a trade waste business in the City of New York until such time as (it) demonstrat­es to the satisfacti­on of the commission that it no longer poses an imminent danger to life or property.”

The commission noted that Sanitation Salvage “did not dispute the evidence that many of its drivers on many occasions create a danger to life or property when they operate trucks after having been on duty for 70 hours in a period of eight consecutiv­e days.”

The carting company also punted on allegation­s that their drivers continue to work after a 14-hour shift “without first taking the required 10 hour consecutiv­e hours off duty,” the commission claimed.

“Based on this evidence, we conclude that Sanitation Salvage does not maintain sufficient controls to ensure that its drivers are properly qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle and that its drivers receive the legally required rest periods,” the commission said.

The commission also determined that Sanitation Salvage had provided them with “false or fraudulent informatio­n” on their applicatio­ns.

The suspension won’t be reversed until Sanitation Salvage and the auditor offers documentat­ion that it has changed its ways.

A spokesman for the carting company said the decision “fails to fully correct the city’s improper and unpreceden­ted action which was a misguided response to political pressure.”

The company is accused in the deaths of two people in the past year — including a parttime helper who fell off the side of the truck and was run over by his own 80,000pound truck.

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