New York Daily News

Wait & see on border closure


WASHINGTON — President Trump said Tuesday he's taking a wait-and-see approach on his threat to close the southern border as soon as this week.

His administra­tion is grappling with a surge of Central American migrants trying to enter the U.S., and Trump said last week he'd seal the border in coming days if Mexico did not immediatel­y halt all illegal immigratio­n into the U.S.

A closure would have enormous economic consequenc­es on both sides of the border, disrupting manufactur­ing supply lines and the flow of goods ranging from avocados to cars. It's a threat he made before and didn't act on.

“We're going to have a strong border or we're going to have a closed border,” he told reporters. “We're going to see what happens.”

After complainin­g last week that Mexico was doing nothing to constrain migrants, Trump seemed pleased Tuesday about recent efforts by Mexican authoritie­s to make changes to visas and send forces to seal off the southern part of their country to prevent Central Americans from entering. Many who do make their way to the U.S.

It was a shift from Trump's threat late last week to seal the border, and quickly. “I am not kidding around,” he said, exasperate­d by the swelling numbers of migrants, thousands of whom were being released into the U.S. because border officials had no space for them.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said the White House is now considerin­g a number of options short of a full border closure, such as shutting down certain entry ports or parts of all of them. “Everything is on the table,” he said.

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