New York Daily News

Sex cult leader wanted brandings to look voluntary


The painful branding ritual at the heart of a sex traffickin­g trial of an upstate cult leader was a manipulati­ve torture session staged so members would not feel coerced, video of planning sessions revealed Wednesday.

Even though women were held down and experience­d excruciati­ng pain during the procedure, NXIVM leader Keith Raniere insisted that they ask on video to be branded so it would not appear that the searing symbol was forced on them.

“Do you think a person should be completely nude and held to the table, almost like a sacrifice?” Raniere (photo) asked an associate during a January 2017 planning session that NXIVM leaders recorded.

Raniere, 58, made the suggestion to “Smallville” actress Allison Mack, a NXIVM member who has already pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge, adding that it would convey “the feeling of submission.”

“And the person should also ask to be branded” he said, before suggesting an oath: “Master please brand me. It would be an honor, and an honor I want to wear for the rest of my life.”

“They should probably say that before they’re held down so it doesn’t seem like they’re being coerced,” Raniere said in the video as jurors watched in Brooklyn Federal Court.

He also crafted aloud another part of the motto “slaves” would recite at their ceremonies.

“Although my body may be burned or tortured or whatever, my love is stronger,” Raniere said in the video, as Mack absorbed the concepts.

Prosecutor­s played the video as NXIVM deputy Lauren Salzman, 42, took the stand for a fourth day, answering questions about her twisted relationsh­ip with Raniere.

Raniere’s lawyer, Marc Agnifilo, asked Salzman about relationsh­ips Raniere had with other women. Salzman tearfully said the leader did have other girlfriend­s, and “briefly” had a romantic relationsh­ip with her own mother, NXIVM co-founder Nancy Salzman.

But Salzman got so emotional Judge Nicholas Garaufis ordered Agnifilo to shut down his cross examinatio­n.

“You went way over the line as far as I’m concerned,” Garaufis said. “I thought it was extremely excruciati­ng. I may not get everything right up here, but I will tell you that before I’m a judge, I’m a human being.”

Raniere has pleaded not guilty to sex traffickin­g and other charges. He claims his encounters with the alleged victims were consensual. Five of Raniere’s co-defendants, including Seagram’s liquor heiress Clare Bronfman, have pleaded guilty.

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