New York Daily News

Top Dems demand answers on weak P.R. hurricane aid


Democrats served notice on the Trump administra­tion Tuesday that they are going to try to force an accounting for the slow, inadequate response to Hurricane Maria’s devastatio­n of Puerto Rico in 2017.

Nearly 3,000 people died after the catastroph­ic storm swept across the U.S. territory, prompting a response from the federal government that was considerab­ly weaker than its mobilizati­on after other hurricanes that year that struck Florida and Texas, according a report from University of Michigan researcher­s.

The response from Congress has also been considerab­ly weaker than its response to examining the failures of the federal response to Hurricane

Katrina, which claimed the lives of 1,800 people in 2005.

After Katrina, the GOPcontrol­led Congress held more than 30 hearings in the House and Senate, created a select committee to probe the administra­tion of then-President George W. Bush, and issued two lengthy reports with scathing conclusion­s and recommenda­tions.

For Maria, there were a smattering of hearings, and the Trump administra­tion has refused to provide significan­t informatio­n, Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said in a letter to the Trump administra­tion Tuesday.

“It is unacceptab­le for the White House to completely ignore valid requests from this committee, particular­ly when they are based on strong, clear and bipartisan precedents, and especially when they relate to the death of thousands of American citizens,” Cummings wrote on a letter with Rep. Harley Rouda (D-Ohio).

“Your actions stand in stark contrast to the Bush administra­tion, which produced tens of thousands of documents in response to a nearly identical request. The only difference is that far more people died in Puerto Rico,” they wrote.

Cummings had asked the White House when Democrats were still in the minority last year for the same informatio­n about Maria that Republican­s had gotten from the Bush administra­tion about Katrina.

He has since gotten nothing.

The Democrats said they are probing Trump’s “apparent” lack of engagement and command, the uncoordina­ted response, the inability to plan for food and fuel distributi­on ahead of time, “and the reasons for the president’s inaccurate statements regarding the crisis.”

Trump has repeatedly claimed only a handful of people died in Puerto Rico, and rated his response a 10 after visiting and infamously tossing paper towels to people (photo).

He has since insisted Puerto Rico has gotten much more help than either Texas or Florida, which were hit by Irma and Harvey in 2017. However, independen­t analyses more than a year after the storms found aid and personnel was much slower flowing to Puerto Rico. For instance, victims of Harvey had gotten $13 billion in Federal Emergency Management Agency aid alone within 180 days. Puerto Rico is just nearing that number now.

The White House did not return a request for comment.

Committee Republican­s were critical of Cummings’ “attacking” the president.

“Cummings is at it again, manufactur­ing a controvers­y to support his obsession with attacking the president for political gain,” the Oversight Committee Republican­s said in a statement.

“Nothing from the administra­tion will satisfy Chairman Cummings unless it furthers Democrats’ impeachmen­t efforts,” the statement said.

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