New York Daily News

Nazi you later


Tracking down and bringing to justice Nazi murderers isn’t just the stuff of Al Pacino’s schlocky new TV series “Hunters.” It’s happening now, with a federal immigratio­n judge in Memphis boldly ordering a German concentrat­ion camp guard deported back to the Fatherland. Thanks, judge.

Friedrich Karl Berger, now 94, has been hiding out in Tennessee for decades. In 1959, Berger lied about his wartime persecutio­ns upon entering the U.S. Then, late but not too late, the U.S. Department of Justice unmasked him as an armed cog in Hitler’s genocidal regime.

After a two-day hearing last week, Immigratio­n Judge Rebecca Holt ordered Berger removed from the United States. As a greencard holder, he can be expelled and Berlin is compelled to take him, since he remains a

German citizen who’s still getting a pension for his loyal service to the Wehrmacht and SS.

Thus opens a window on a brilliant little corner of the U.S. government. For more than 40 years DOJ’s Criminal Division has doggedly pursued Nazis who snuck into America, with Berger being the 109th successful case. In far too many instances, Nazis stripped of their ill-gotten U.S. citizenshi­p and ordered deported have been allowed to live out their miserable lives in freedom here because the State Department never followed through on shipping them back to Europe.

This shameful record, through Democratic and Republican administra­tions, must be exposed by Congress. House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel is in the catbird’s seat.

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