New York Daily News

2 reps. positive for bug


He did not acknowledg­e his defeats or even mention the ongoing primary contest.

Sanders’ wavering comes as the coronaviru­s has forced the delay of primaries in several states, making it even less likely for him to mount a comeback.

Ohio was supposed to hold a primary Tuesday, but canceled it at the last minute. Georgia, Maryland, Louisiana and Kentucky have already postponed their primaries amid growing fears over the virus, which has infected more than 7,500 people in the U.S. and killed dozens.

Some Sanders supporters want him to bring his fight to the Democratic National Convention to promote his progressiv­e agenda.

But other Democrats view Biden as the best bet to beat Trump.

After the Tuesday results landed, Trump tweeted that the Democratic establishm­ent has succeeded in forcing Sanders out of the race “ahead of schedule.”

“He will be dropping out soon!” the president added.

Two members of Congress said Wednesday that they have tested positive for coronaviru­s — officially bringing the fastspread­ing illness to Capitol Hill.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida became the first member to say he has the illness. In a statement, the 58-year-old Republican said he isolated himself at his Washington, D.C., apartment on Friday after experienci­ng flu-like symptoms that included fever and a headache.

According to the statement, Diaz-Balart (inset) received word Wednesday evening that he had tested positive for COVID-19.

“I want everyone to know that I am feeling much better,” Diaz-Balart said on Twitter. “However, it is important that everyone take this extremely seriously and follow CDC guidelines to avoid getting sick and mitigate the spread of this virus.”

Diaz-Balart said he plans to work from his apartment for the next few weeks. He noted that he won’t go back to his Florida home anytime soon because his wife has pre-existing conditions and would be put at “exceptiona­lly high risk.”

Next to add himself to the roll was Rep. Ben McAdams, a Democrat from Utah. McAdams, 45, said he isolated himself Sunday after experienci­ng “mild cold-like symptoms.” Later, he said, he “developed a fever, a dry cough and labored breathing.” He learned his diagnosis on Wednesday.

McAdams said he would work from home “until I know it is safe to end my self-quarantine.”

Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.) tweeted later Wednesday that he was in contact with another member of Congress who has tested positive.

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