New York Daily News

Avengers assemble


Enjoying a North Korean reelection rate, the state Assembly is slow to change — in a chamber of lackluster quality overall, we can still speak up for a handful of incumbents who deserve reelection, and two who have abused the public trust.

Some veterans clearly deserve to keep their jobs. That goes for the dean of the Assembly and chairman of the Codes Committee, Joe Lentol of Brooklyn. In Queens, Democrats should back Cathy Nolan. She wisely and bravely supported the Amazon deal for Long Island City, and spent decades toiling for equal labor rights for farmworker­s, a cause that bore fruit last year. Also in Queens, please, please re-elect solid, respectabl­e Jeff Aubry. His opponent is the despicable Hiram Monserrate, a convicted criminal who must be defeated.

An incumbent we can’t support is Dan Quart of Manhattan. A faker on reform who once muscled his way to being a district leader, Quart is also among the small handful of members who earns lots of outside income despite having pocketed a big raise courtesy of the taxpayers — breaking a promise that was supposed to hinge on outside income being slashed. He’s also running for Manhattan district attorney next year, on a platform that includes fully decriminal­izing prostituti­on. Quart has also ducked debates. We don’t endorse his opponent, just-outof-college Cameron Koffman, either, but Quart’s a problem.

We also bid not so fond farewell to Carmen Arroyo of the Bronx, who submitted fraudulent petitions and got thrown off the ballot.

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