New York Daily News

Kansas may boost Dems’ Senate odds


The Republican primary in Kansas is normally a surefire election lock in the deep-red state that hasn’t sent a Democratic senator to Washington since the Great Depression.

But Tuesday’s GOP contest could put that streak in jeopardy as far-right insurgent Kris Kobach aims to grab the nod from the more moderate Rep. Roger Marshall.

If Kobach (inset) wins Tuesday’s primary, Democrats believe they can compete for the seat being left open by the retirement of Republican Sen. Pat Roberts.

That would put an unexpected state on the map for Team Blue as they seek to flip four seats needed to grab control of the Senate.

“The Senate majority runs through Kansas,” Republican strategist Kevin McLaughlin warned GOP insiders in a dire update, Politico reported.

Kobach, whose anti-immigrant views make him toxic in the growing suburbs of Kansas City, has already lost one statewide election.

The GOP establishm­ent doesn’t want to give him a second chance. But the most important GOP figure hasn’t made up his mind yet. President Trump remains on the fence and some believe he is leaning toward Kobach, a key ally.

Democrat Barbara Bollier, a former Republican, is cruising to election on her side of the aisle. Polls show she has a decent chance of winning — if Kobach is her opponent. She has outraised both her GOP opponents by a wide margin.

That Kansas is even on the Republican list of worries in the first place is a concerning data point as the GOP tries to cling to its 53-47 seat majority in the chamber.

Republican incumbents are already trailing in Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, Iowa and Maine. Another seat in Georgia is considered a virtual toss-up, along with Montana, where popular Gov. Steve Bullock is running.

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