New York Daily News

Democrats, learn to play offense


Rochester: Perhaps I am being a bit too harsh here, but it seems to me that too many national Democrats have been meek and spineless since around 1980 when it comes to facing down and standing up to political conservati­ves and Republican­s. They seem to be intimated by them, and they let themselves be bullied and pushed around. I have to give the right-wingers some credit for fighting hard and aggressive­ly for what they believe in and want.

Sometimes I get the feeling that Democrats think that if they make nice to those bullying and ranting right-wing blowhards and windbags, it will somehow work and tone them down. It will not. They will never change. They will never disagree respectful­ly. That ship sailed many years ago. As they do on MSNBC and CNN, they will always be very aggressive and will try to dominate all conversati­ons and discussion­s about politics.

Democrats need to start finding and using their voices, and fighting harder and more assertivel­y for the humane values that they believe in and stand for. Stewart B. Epstein

A New York City synagogue was fined $15,000 for not social distancing but peaceful protesters who riot, loot, burglarize and assault our police officers face no fines for lack of social distancing. I think that the people in charge have to be removed, and quickly. Why are the mayor and governor allowed to stay in office when their policies only prove that they suffer from a mental disorder? Where are our federal senators and representa­tives? Why are the lunatics running this asylum? They print on N.Y. license plates, “Excelsior,” this is Latin for “ever upward.” I think it should read, “Semper deorsum ferentur,” which is “ever downward,” as these politician­s lead us to living in a sewer.

Timothy Collins

Samantha Picaro

Universal right

I, with others, sympathize­d over the loss of U.S. District Judge Ester Salas’s son to a madman. However, I object to her request to have only federal judges protected on the internet from any kind of personal searches. Every citizen should have that right as well.

Mary Zanfini

Sham award

James League

Gov. Cuomo was just given an Emmy award for his coronaviru­s briefings. What’s next, a Nobel Memorial Prize In Economics for Chirlane McCray’s ThriveNYC mental health program that squandered $1 billion in taxpayers’ money?

Small number, big diff

Suppose that we have two vaccines — one with 90% efficiency and another with 95%. It seems that the difference in efficiency is very small, only 5%. But in reality, the difference is much larger. If 100 people are vaccinated with vaccine #1, 10 people can get sick, but if they are vaccinated with vaccine #2, only five people can get sick. So the difference is 100%.

What Jesus wouldn’t do

Cincinnati: Attention southern Christian Trumpers: Your worship of Donald Trump may be a problem at the pearly gates. Jesus hung out with the poor, the mentally ill, the elderly, the sick and children — not fat cats. Quit the cult of hatred today! Mark Jessee

Fickle forgivenes­s

Carle Place, L.I.: If you think the current shenanigan­s are bad, just wait until President Trump begins handing out pardons as if they were Halloween candy. Rudy Rosenberg

Matching outfits

Staten Island Trump voters are now an orange COVID site to match our orange soon-tobe ex-president.

Michael Malewich

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