New York Daily News

Be generous


Bellerose: The year 2020 was a most sad time in history for all of America. The past year has been laced with much sadness and is one year most of us would rather forget. We had this pandemic which has caused the deaths of more than 300,000 men and women, young and old, and still rising. In 2020 we had political unrest and racial disharmony, not to mention attacks on our Finest. In the past year, due to the pandemic, millions of Americans are out of work. Many are hungry and that means their children are as well. My New Year’s resolution suggestion is to extend acts of kindness and love by giving to food pantries, food kitchens and donating blood. You can also check on your elderly neighbors and see if they need anything. Now, how about saving lives by wearing masks, social distancing and testing for COVID-19?

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

My New Year resolution is to say farewell to the Daily News for good. After being a faithful patron for decades, I am appalled by your constant bashing of my president in the distastefu­l names you have called his lovely wife over the last four years. You never would have gotten away with that kind of abuse to Hillary, Obama or his wife. You would have had to close completely. I’ll miss the puzzles, Jumble and horoscopes, but will not miss the downsized print, misspellin­gs and missing vowels that you continue to ignore, considerin­g the many requests from readers who have had to plead with you to change. You will not print this, I’m sure, but what’s the difference? I won’t get to read it anyway. I hope I will be taking many good Voicers with me.

Jeanne M. Robicheau

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