New York Daily News

Pray for sanity


The six conservati­ves on the Supreme Court, who purport to revere the Constituti­on, have a funny way of ignoring the parts of the document that go against their conclusion­s. We know of no other way to rationaliz­e their blithe ruling letting a high school football coach lead post-game prayers on the 50-yard line.

Joe Kennedy’s religious expression, say the majority, should be treated like any other type of private speech — given wide latitude by his public employers. Instead, Kennedy — who’d previously led locker room prayers and other outward, on-theclock attempts to share the Gospel with kids — got fired.

Understand­ably. The same First Amendment that protects freedom of speech and free exercise of religion explicitly forbids government “respecting an establishm­ent of religion,” which is to say promoting a creed or even faith itself. Public schools, where teachers and coaches act in loco parentis, are the most crucial places to bar pressuring, proselytiz­ation and other such behavior by those on the payroll.

Whether or not this coach was technicall­y off the clock in the minutes after the game, by engaging in performati­ve prayer at the center of the field, he was effectivel­y compelling his players — public school students over whom he has substantia­l influence — to participat­e.

We’ve never believed that American churchstat­e separation is absolute. A teacher (or student) can wear a cross or a kippah or hijab. A church or synagogue should be able to rent out public school space on weekends, if that space is also made available to secular organizati­ons. But a public employee prominentl­y praying directly adjacent to an official event, with children under his sway still present, is far more forceful.

Kennedy is more than free to pray to Jesus, Allah, Buddha or Satan, and to proselytiz­e, on his private time. Here, he knowingly and messily mixed his religious views with his taxpayer-funded responsibi­lities. That’s not his job. But it is the job of the courts to guard against religions and public schools comminglin­g. After two bad rulings this term, they’ve failed at that.

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