New York Daily News

Poll points to gains for gov over Zeldin


ALBANY — Gov. Hochul leads Republican challenger Lee Zeldin by 17 points and is gaining ground among suburban voters as Election Day approaches, according to a new Siena College poll.

The incumbent Democrat, seeking a full term in office after replacing disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo last year, continues to outpace her opponent among most voters as New Yorkers say economic issues are their top priority ahead of the Nov. 8 contest, the survey found.

In the city, Hochul dominates Zeldin 70% to 20%, and she has a 5-point lead over him among voters in the surroundin­g suburbs, an improvemen­t from last month. The two are dead even among upstate voters, according to the poll.

Zeldin, however, bested Hochul among self-identifyin­g independen­t voters, 45% to 42%, the survey found.

Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said Zeldin’s narrow lead among independen­ts is “both good — it’s a lead — and bad — it’s narrow.”

“To close or even narrow a 17-point gap, he would need to win a far greater share of independen­ts, solidify Republican support, as well as pick off some more Democrats,” Greenberg added.

Zeldin responded Wednesday by releasing an internal campaign poll conducted by McLaughlin and Associates that found him less than 6 points behind Hochul.

“Kathy Hochul has been losing ground all throughout the entire state,” the GOP nominee said at a Queens event, adding that he believes the Siena poll is “inaccurate.”

While economic issues including inflation and cost of living topped the list of major concerns for voters, threats to democracy and crime are also on their minds as they prepare to head to the polls in six weeks.

Hochul and Zeldin rolled out competing endorsemen­ts from law enforcemen­t union groups on Tuesday as they seek to convince voters they’re best suited to tackle rising crime.

Hochul’s fellow Democrats faired well in the Siena poll with Attorney General Letitia James and Comptrolle­r Thomas DiNapoli, both incumbent Dems, leading their respective Republican challenger­s by double digits.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) also polled well, leading Republican Joe Pinion by 19 points, 55% to 36%, according to the survey.

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