New York Daily News


Nov. ballot proposals cover environmen­tal and equity bids


New Yorkers at the ballot box this fall will approve or reject the state’s first environmen­tal bond act in a quarter-century, and weigh city proposals that would create a racial equity office and recalculat­e the cost of living.

The proposals, plus a symbolic measure to cement a New York City statement of values, make up the slate of local ballot initiative­s for the Nov. 8 general election.

Ballot measures tend to get less attention than candidates, and New York will not have the sort of flashy referendum­s this fall that have occasional­ly landed before voters. (In 2019, city voters resounding­ly approved a measure to move local elections to a ranked-choice format.)

But any frequent voter knows the feeling of settling in at their polling station, looking over their ballot and realizing they do not have a clue how to vote on the ballot proposals.

So here is a look at the four fall ballot initiative­s around the corner, for early studying.

Environmen­tal Bond Act

This statewide ballot measure would greenlight $4.2 billion in state borrowing for environmen­tally friendly projects across the state. New York has never enacted an environmen­tal bond act so large.

The New Yorkers for Clean Water & Jobs coalition has said the measure would pump $1.5 billion toward climate change mitigation, $1.1 billion toward flood-risk fixes and hundreds of millions more toward stormwater projects.

Voters supported the new measure by a 55%-to-26% margin in a recent statewide Siena College survey. Democrats overwhelmi­ngly support it, and Republican­s largely oppose it, according to the poll.

Former Gov. George Pataki, an environmen­t-focused Republican, championed the last similar bond act, which passed in 1996. That measure, opposed by fiscal hawks, authorized about $1.8 billion in spending.

Just and Equitable City for All Amendment

This modest municipal ballot initiative would add a new statement in the New York City Charter declaring the city’s aspiration to serve as “a just and equitable city for all” and to reconsider the city’s “foundation­s, structures, institutio­ns, and laws to promote justice and equity for all New Yorkers.”

The city’s Racial Justice Commission, created last year as Mayor Bill de Blasio’s term drew to a close, floated the proposal along with the other two initiative­s set to land on city ballots this fall.

In May, Mayor Adams pledged a $5 million investment in the commission’s efforts to educate New Yorkers about the ballot proposals.

Racial Equity Office and Commission

This proposal from the Racial Justice Commission would create an Office of Racial Equity under City Hall tasked with working with city agencies to pursue department-specific racial equity plans every two years.

The measure would also establish a Commission on Racial Equity filled by appointees of elected officials.

‘True Cost of Living’ Measure

The commission also hopes to create a new process for the city to calculate the soaring cost of living, and this initiative would launch the new calculatio­ns starting in 2024.

The measure calls for the government to calculate the cost of living without considerin­g public or private assistance New Yorkers receive — a bid to get a better look at the city’s racial wealth gap.

The chair of the Racial Justice Commission, Jennifer Jones Austin, said the three city proposals provide an opportunit­y for the city to “lead the nation” in combating structural racism.

“I’m not telling people how to vote,” she said. “But I’m telling people that we do have an opportunit­y here to address persistent inequity.”

 ?? ?? Proposal by the city’s Racial Justice Commission, created by former Mayor Bill de Blasio (inset), calls for statement in City Charter declaring New York’s intent to be “a just and equitable city for all.”
Proposal by the city’s Racial Justice Commission, created by former Mayor Bill de Blasio (inset), calls for statement in City Charter declaring New York’s intent to be “a just and equitable city for all.”

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