New York Daily News

Francis’ Easter Mass plea for peace on Earth


Pope Francis powered through his health problems to preside over Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City on Sunday.

Francis, 87, called for an end to conflict around the world, particular­ly focusing on the Russia-Ukraine war and Israel’s war in Gaza, where he once again called for a ceasefire.

“Peace is never made with weapons, but with outstretch­ed hands and open hearts,” he told the crowd of 60,000 people on a blustery day in central Italy.

Last week, the pontiff skipped his homily during Palm Sunday Mass. The last-minute decision surprised those in attendance, including journalist­s who had been given his prepared remarks.

Francis also had been scheduled to take part in the Good Friday procession at the Colosseum, but he chose to stay home.

On Sunday morning, just hours after completing the Saturday night Easter Vigil service, Francis returned to St. Peter’s Square to call for peace on Earth.

“In calling for respect for the principles of internatio­nal law, I express my hope for a general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine: all for the sake of all!” he said.

The pontiff also called for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and spoke to the plight of Haitians, the Rohingya of Myanmar and victims of human traffickin­g.

Francis was not the only leader to make a comeback on Easter Sunday. King Charles, rarely seen in public since his cancer diagnosis, joined other members of the royal family for Easter service at Windsor Castle.

Afterward, the monarch shook hands and greeted people outside, telling them they were “brave to stand out here in the cold.” Prince William and Princess Kate were not in attendance.

 ?? GETTY ?? Pope Francis delivers Urbi Et Orbi Blessing from balcony overlookin­g St. Peter’s Square on Sunday in Vatican City.
GETTY Pope Francis delivers Urbi Et Orbi Blessing from balcony overlookin­g St. Peter’s Square on Sunday in Vatican City.

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