New York Daily News

Trump abandons pro-lifers; they may abandon him

- S.E. CUPP secuppdail­

In 1985, President Ronald Reagan addressed the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference. It had been a very good five years for Republican­s, starting with his own election in 1980 and, for the first time in 28 years, a Republican Senate. He began by thanking the various groups in the room: the American Conservati­ve Union, Young Americans for Freedom, National Review, and Human Events. “When you work in the White House, you don’t get to see your old friends as much as you’d like,” he playfully said.

And then, he delivered a line that would become famous: “And I always see the CPAC speech as my opportunit­y to dance with the one that brung ya.”

It was an important acknowledg­ment that conservati­ves had worked hard to wrest decades of control away from Democrats to become a mainstream party. “We are where we are because we’re winning the contest of ideas,” he said.

Reagan knew how he’d become president — it wasn’t because he was a kind of messianic figure who’d been ordained to rule over the fawning masses. It was because conservati­ves, who’d spent a century in the political “wilderness,” had slowly and arduously built a movement of ideas and coalitions on the backs of the very people in that room that night, a movement that went all the way back to Barry Goldwater.

Former President Donald Trump, whose loyalty has always flowed one way — to him — does not care to dance with the ones that brung him.

In a Truth Social announceme­nt this week, he laid out his new — and vague — abortion policy.

“My view is now that we have abortion where everyone wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislatio­n, or perhaps both. And whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state.”

There was no mention of a national abortion ban, which is what many pro-life voters have demanded and were expecting. Nor was there a commitment to a six- or 10- or even 15-week ban, which some Republican governors have since enacted after the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

While Trump often likes to take credit for that seismic judicial event, and calls himself the most pro-life president in history, kicking the issue over to the states can rightly be seen as an act of political cowardice and expediency.

He’s hinted previously at the political peril of abortion bans, calling Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ six-week ban “a terrible thing and a terrible mistake.” He’s said “Other than certain parts of the country ... you’re not going to win on this issue.”

But in formalizin­g his abandonmen­t of a staunchly pro-life position, he’s essentiall­y telling a loyal constituen­cy to get over it and focus on other things — namely, “the Horrible Border, Inflation, Bad Economy and the Death & Destructio­n of our Country!” They aren’t taking it lightly.

Lila Rose, a pro-life activist, released her own statement:

“In 2016, President Trump won on the back of vigorous pro-life support, and that support was vindicated with the appointmen­t of the justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. But that support will not materializ­e in 2024 if President Trump holds to this anti-human and cowardly position.”

That echoes what other pro-life conservati­ves have warned if Trump went down this road.

In his newsletter The Transom, pro-life conservati­ve Ben Domenech wrote last year of Trump’s moderate abortion stance, “The pro-life movement maximized the outcome of the Trump presidency in its first go-round. But this time around, he’s signaling that he’s given up on them — he assumes their loyalty for his past decisions, regardless of what he does next.”

And pro-life conservati­ve Chris Bedford also wrote that Trump’s comments reflect a “naivete for just how many Christians will stay home if they don’t see a candidate worth voting for.”

Trump is betting that when it comes down to him or President Biden, pro-life voters will back him. It’s a big gamble, considerin­g they are promising they won’t, and are one of the very few constituen­cies in his exceedingl­y loyal base to ever publicly condemn him.

He’s right, of course, that abortion bans are politicall­y unpopular. He’s right to be concerned that the right’s extremism on this issue is very good for Biden. But he’s turning on a group that very much believes it is responsibl­e for getting him elected in the first place.

“You must follow your heart, or in many cases, your religion or your faith,” he said in this new announceme­nt. “Do what’s right for your family and do what’s right for yourself.”

Come November, many in the pro-life movement may do just that — and stay home.

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