New York Post

Frack and Forth on Natural Gas

THE ISSUE: Mayor de Blasio’s remark against fracking, despite the economic benefits to New York state.


New York politician­s are happy to benefit from hydraulic fracturing — they just don’t want the state to actually do it (“The Heat’s On,” Editorial, Jan. 27).

While piping in natural gas from other states may be great for New York City — helping the city achieve its cleanest airquality levels in 50 years and lowering energy costs for homes and businesses — the rest of the state would be much better off if we produced our own.

Three years of “study” is more than enough to come to the same conclu sion other states reached years ago: Hydraulic fracturing is a safe technology that generates significan­t economic growth. Karen Moreau

Executive Director NYS Petroleum Council


If fracking is so safe, why is it not allowed in the NYC watershed, but, if approved, would be allowed next to the reservoirs and wells that serve most of upstate?

A chemist from a gas company spoke at our local Rotary Club and said they put carcinogen­s in the chemicals pumped into the well and try to dilute it by using water. Would you like to have a fracking well next to your water supply?

Why won’t the companies share the formula they use?

I guess profits are more important than people’s health. Lois Brenner


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