New York Post

FOURTH QUARTER: Seahawks 43, Broncos 8


Scoring plays

11:55: On a first-and-goal from the Broncos’ 10-yard line, Russell Wilson spots an open Doug Baldwin 7 yards downfield, and Baldwin dips and dives and dodges four potential Broncos tacklers and slices into the end zone.

Seahawks 43, Broncos 8


Wilson exposed hole after hole in the Broncos defense, dropping off short passes in front of a defense that was a step too slow. The Seahawks receivers did the rest, getting consistent yardsafter-reception, including Baldwin’s brilliant maneuverin­g to somehow find his way into the end zone.

After the drive, Seattle went into conservati­ve ball-control mode, but its defense had no such plans. Denver tried three fourth-quarter, last-ditch drives to make the game respectabl­e. Each one failed.

The first Broncos drive began at their own 13. The Seattle defense put consistent pressure on Manning, who missed on his first three passes of the drive. After a 17-yard completion, more Manning ineptitude followed. A third-and-2 from the Seattle 47 became a Seahawks first down after two straight Manning incompleti­ons.

After Seattle milked the clock and gave the ball back on downs, Peyton Manning had another try — and quickly fumbled when bulldozed by Chris Clemons, who also recovered the ball.

 ?? USA TODAY Sports ?? Pete Carroll gets the Gatorade bath as time
expires and the Seahawks celebrate.
USA TODAY Sports Pete Carroll gets the Gatorade bath as time expires and the Seahawks celebrate.

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