New York Post

O’Reilly tackles Obama in pregame interview


WASHINGTON — The matchup between President Obama and Bill O’Reilly in a preSuper Bowl interview Sunday was rougher than some of the action on the field.

The president fended off a barrage of questions in the testy 10minute Fox News Channel interview, including why he didn’t fire Health and Human Services Sec retary Kathleen Sebelius after the botched ObamaCare rollout.

“I’m a taxpayer and I’m paying Kathleen Sebelius’ salary . . . and you’re not holding her accountabl­e,” O’Reilly charged.

“I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountabl­e,” Obama shot back, adding that he didn’t want to change HHS secretarie­s “when we’re in midstream” of implementi­ng the massive law.

O’Reilly then asked if the broken promise that people could keep health plans was “the biggest mistake of your presidency?’’

Obama responded, “Oh, Bill, you’ve got a long list of my mistakes of my presidency.”

The president also was asked whether campaign politics played a role in the White House’s delay in blaming terrorists for the deadly attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya. “That is inaccurate,” he insisted. When asked whether there was White House involvemen­t in the Internal Revenue Service targeting of Tea Party groups, Obama answered, “There were some boneheaded decisions — [but] not even a smidgen of corruption.”

The president accused the news network of focusing on his administra­tion’s missteps.

Midway through the Super Bowl, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton got into the act, tweeting, “It’s so much more fun to watch Fox when it’s someone else being blitzed & sacked #SuperBowl.’’ S.A. Miller

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