New York Post

Dobbs: Focus on middle class

- Cindy Adams

SWEET cuddly Lou Dobbs: “With our society’s government into apathy, ennui, malaise, we’ve become a European socialisti­c economy. Without honesty in the White House, many Americans are scared to death.”

About his new book “Upheaval,” published by Simon & Schuster, which took a year to write: “It’s a thinking person’s guide to getting beyond vitriol and noise. We must rejuice our twoparty system. We don’t need a third party — yet. If we did, we could name it ‘Successful.’ Democrats leading this country stultifies ambition.

“My prescripti­on is for the GOP to win again. Stop resistance to common sense and working men and women and the middle class. Stop serving corporate interest. Consumer interest. They need to examine themselves. The foundation of this country is the middle class. Our founders intended ambition and talent.

“Obama’s a lost soul. He either has no vision or he’s kept it to himself. He’s a redistribu­tionist. Doesn’t understand how the economy works. Can’t put people back to work. He looks for victims in every level of society. And doesn’t understand compromise.

“And he talks markets down. He insists upon dependency.

So, Lou, you live in New Jersey. Any opinion about your governor?

“He’s lost touch. It’s a winning round to the Democrats who are circling him. They’re sinking teeth into his ankles. If it’s true he didn’t know, there’s one to two years of defending himself.”

And if not true? “Better he should read my book.”

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