New York Post

Late-night confidenti­al

‘Tonight’ tell-all reveals celebs’ antics


Jay Leno is “Tonight Show” history — but now, thanks to a new memoir by his longtime producer, 22 years of celebrity hissyfits, presidenti­al gaffes and backstage snafus are fair game.

Dave Berg, hired as a segment producer for “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” before its debut on May 25, 1992, dishes on the most beloved and reviled guests to visit the Burbank set in “Behind the Curtain: An Insider’s View of Jay Leno’s Tonight Show” (Pelican), out Sunday. Here’s a peek backstage:

Thin skins abound in Hollywood, but Helen Hunt’s hide was thinner than most. After a producer “gently” critiqued her performanc­e during an appearance to promote “Mad About You,” she refused to return for 14 years.

Kobe Bryant also embargoed Leno after the host cracked wise about the basketball star being charged with sexually assaulting a 19yearold woman.

Leno “felt strongly that O.J. Simpson” was guilty of murder, so he snubbed lawyer Johnnie Cochran, dismissing him as an “opportunis­t.” But he invited prosecutor­s Marcia Clark and Christophe­r Darden.

Each guest received $500 to appear, but unless they were a Top10 Alist actor, they barely budged the ratings dial. At least not the way cute animals could.

When David Letterman announced he had scored Martha Stewart’s first latenight interview following her fivemonth prison stint for insider trading, Berg knew Leno would be trounced in the ratings with a lineup led by Benjamin Bratt. So the show booked an animal trainer.

“Facing nearimposs­ible odds, we led with animals and won the ratings battle against Letterman and Martha by .4 of a point, approximat­ely half a million viewers,” he writes. (Bratt refused to follow an animal and came back another day as the lead guest, but never returned to the show.) Surprise, surprise — Christian Bale is difficult. Berg re counts a 2002 preintervi­ew with the surly Brit that ended abruptly because the questions were “too personal.”

What were these probing questions? “I had asked him where he grew up (Wales), how big his family was (three sisters), and what his first gig was (a PacMan cereal commercial). [He] didn’t seem to have even a basic understand­ing of how ‘The Tonight

‘You know, girls like Louis Vuitton . . . Maybe a handbag?’

A staffer for Teri Hatcher, pressing “Tonight Show” producers for a gift after the actress was bumped for President Obama

Show’ worked,” Berg writes. “I was glad he dropped out, thus averting an awkward onair exchange with Jay.”

Another difficult — or, as Berg puts it, “complicate­d” — guest was Teri Hatcher.

“I called her Teri One and Teri Two, though not to her face. Teri One was charming, smart, witty and flirtatiou­s,” Berg writes. “Terri Two was moody. She would call me late the night before her scheduled appearance, scream at me for not having better ideas, and then hang up. The next day, she would come to show as Teri One, acting as if nothing had ever happened.”

In March 2009, when President Obama was booked — making him the first sitting president to ever appear on a latenight entertainm­ent show — the “Desperate Housewives” star was bumped. One of her staffers called the show, saying the actress understood, but “a girl likes to be appreciate­d.” When Berg offered flowers, the aide said, “You know, girls like Louis Vuitton . . . Maybe a handbag?” She got flowers.

To help with stage fright, Leno came up with The Jay Bar, a mobile station loaded with beer and wine to help guests unwind before the show. But some didn’t know when to turn off the spigot. In 2003, Quentin Tarantino hit The Jay Bar so hard that he was slurring and “occasional­ly incoherent” on air.

Then there were the divas. Eddie Murphy handed over an entire page of necessitie­s for the 45 minutes he spent in his dressing room.

It included, “4 Snapple Fruit Punch, 4 Snapple Orangeade, 4 Snapple Grapeade, 4 Dr. Brown’s Cream Soda, 4 Dr. Brown’s Root Beer, Coke in glass bottles, bananas, cherries, Evian bottled water, Juicy Fruit Gum, Snickers, Milky Ways, peppermint­s, York Peppermint Patties, writing pads/pencils/pens, regularsiz­ed towels, washcloths/small.”

Jessica Simpson would come on only if they paid for her hair and makeup — a tab she estimated at $18,000. The show refused. But when Sarah Palin agreed to go on after her 2008 defeat for vice president, the show coughed up $35,000 to fly her family and friends on a private jet from Anchorage, Alaska.

President Bill Clinton was Berg’s white whale. After many rebuffs, the show sent him a $12,000 custom tandem bicycle as a getwell gift after his triple-bypass surgery.

It was returned, because Hillary, then a senator, could not legally accept gifts worth more than $50. (The twoseater bike was conceivabl­y for her, too).

When the show commission­ed another pricey bike with only one seat, Clinton accepted, but still never appeared on the show. Aides told Berg that Clinton “simply didn’t like Jay’s neverendin­g Monica Lewinsky jokes.”

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