New York Post

What O should’ve said

- Michael Goodwin

PRESIDENT Obama gave a brief, forgettabl­e speech at the White House Friday about Iraq, where marauding jihadists are threatenin­g to capture Baghdad. Here’s the speech he should have given instead.

“My fellow Americans, I come to you today from the Oval Office with a heavy heart and sober humility. Events around the world, including but not limited to the shocking terrorist surge in Iraq, lead me to make a painful admission.

“I confess to making serious mistakes on foreign policy. My decisions, centered in the Mideast but also extending to Europe, Russia, Latin America and Asia, were based on flawed assumption­s about how others would react to my being president and to a lighter American footprint.

“As we see now, my repeated apologies for America’s past and promises we would be more respectful have not had the desired result. I believed we could usher in an age of peace and cooperatio­n that did not require the United States to be the world’s policeman.

“And so I pulled our military from Iraq and moved toward an early exit from Afghanista­n. I recalibrat­ed our relationsh­ip with Israel and the Palestinia­ns to force Israel to make concession­s that, I hoped, would lead to a resolution of their ancient feud.

“My ‘reset’ with Russia reflected my view that we had needlessly antagonize­d that great nation, and that a new flexibilit­y would induce the Russians to become our ally at the United Nations.

“For similar reasons, my administra­tion has accommodat­ed China on a host of controvers­ial issues and even taken its side or remained neutral as it threatened our allies.

“I bent over backward to assure the Iranians they need no longer fear America. By giving perfunctor­y support to the popular uprising there in 2009, I made it clear we would not contest the government’s suppressio­n of its people. I offered to let the ruling mullahs continue their nuclear program, as long as they did not move toto weapweapon­ize it immediatel­y.

“I turned the other cheek to insults from the late Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and other Marxist dictators in our own back yard. My hope was that they, too, would moderate their hostility.

“To show my commitment to this path, I slashed our military, and it will soon be smaller than it was before World War II.

“There is no way to sugarcoat the results, so let me be clear: I was wrong. My policies have not yielded the benefits I promised.

“On the contrary, they have proven to be major contributo­rs to the chaos, violence and repression we see in the headlines.

“My trust in the good will of our adversarie­s has been misplaced. Our hand of friendship and respect has been slapped away with ridiridicu­le and aggression.

“As such, the world is a more dangerous place now than before I took office. Additional­ly, our allies are nervous and interpret my presidency as meaning we will not help them in a crisis.

“That was not my intent, but good intentions are not enough. Voters elecelecte­d me twice because they belieeved my vision would bring a more peaceful and prosperous world.

“To themm, I offer my deepest apologies. Yourr president failed you. “Let me aadd that my Republican opponnents, John McCain and Mittt Romney, were right to douubt the wisdom of my appproach. As for Presideent Bush, I now have far ggreater respect for his effoforts to combat the scourge of Islamic terrorrism.

“I have personally conveeyed my apologies to theese three dedicated patriots aand invited them to the White Houuse to seek their advice.

“I also offfer my apologies to our allies who feel abandoned. I especially extennd my hand to the people of Israael, whose survival ultimately deepends on American friendship.. I am sorry I caused you to doubt thhat bond.

“Finally, I want to assure friend and foe aliike that today marks the start of a nnew American approach to the worrld. My eyes have been opened to the error of my ways, and I pledgge a forceful stand based on the reealizati­on that America truly is excception­al. “I pledgee to work night and day to righht the ship of state. The changges will be obvious in cominng days and weeks.

“Too our adversarie­s, I offer this ssimple warning: Beware, the ssleeping giant is awake againn. America is back.”

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