New York Post

Give me your tired ...

A conservati­ve case for immigratio­n reform — it makes us a better, richer nation

- by PETER D. SALINS Peter D. Salins, professor of political science at Stony Brook University and senior fellow of the Manhattan Institute, is the author of “The Smart Society: Strengthen­ing America’s Greatest Resource, Its People.”

THE electoral upset of Eric Cantor last week — partially blamed on his squishines­s about immigratio­n, along with stories of immigrant children streaming across the USMexican border — have seriously dimmed the prospects of legislatin­g immigratio­n reform anytime soon.

That’s a shame, because normalizin­g the status of our millions of illegal immigrants, while clearly benefiting them, is also essential to the economic and social welfare of the country as a whole.

Let’s start with what is not going to happen — no matter who is the House majority leader. Most illegal immigrants will not be leaving the country, either voluntaril­y through “selfdeport­ation” as suggested by Mitt Romney, or involuntar­ily through actual deportatio­n, notwithsta­nding the current administra­tion’s aggressive efforts in this direction.

So, we have only two options in dealing with these 11 million American residents: We can keep them in their current marginal status with all the negative effects that entails for them and their communitie­s or acknowledg­e their ongoing presence among us and legalize it.

Both they and the country will be much better off if we pursue the latter course.

For the opponents of immigratio­n reform, there appear to be three major concerns. Illegal immigrants: 1) broke the law, and thus shouldn’t be rewarded with “amnesty”; 2) are harming the American economy by displacing American workers and burdening American taxpayers; and 3) are a threat to American culture and values. Let me offer a rebuttal to each.

On lawbreakin­g: The uncomforta­ble truth is that our illegal immigrants are not the only law breakers. We would never have had so many of them if it were not for the thousands of employers who broke the law by hiring them and were never penalized because federal authoritie­s — quite intentiona­lly — turned a blind eye to the issue until it became too politicall­y visible to ignore. Perversely, employers have escaped not only legal penalties for their behavior but any blame from those most exercised about illegal immigratio­n.

Regarding their impact on the economy: For starters, for many American industries — and most American consumers — all immigrants, including illegal ones, have been a huge economic asset; countless studies show they not only don’t take jobs away from American work ers, they eagerly tackle ones that the nativeborn shun. Contrary to the popular canards, they save American taxpayers money because the payroll, sales and other taxes they pay far exceed the cost of government services or payments they receive.

Neverthele­ss, the economic contributi­on of currently illegal immigrants could be vastly greater. If their status were legalized, the country would realize a human capital bonanza as millions of young illegal immigrants would have the motivation and means to go to college and millions of their parents would be free to further their education and training and become more productive in their careers.

Finally, regarding their impact on American culture and values: It is the assimilati­on of immigrants that preserves American culture and values, something we have been successful at for centuries.

In that spirit, we should be doing everything in our power to assimilate all of our current immigrants — legal and illegal alike. Yet, keeping our illegal immigrants in a state of perpetual economic insecurity and fear of deportatio­n makes their assimilati­on wellnigh impossible and, incidental­ly, also casts a shadow over the assimilati­on of their legal relatives and friends.

(It is also why liberal efforts to separate immigrants are so misguided. Mexican and Latin American immigrants learn English and assimilate just like every other ethnic group in American history. Introducin­g bilingual public schools and other programs to keep people separate only slows the process and fosters resentment).

Of, course, any legislatio­n to normalize the status of today’s illegal immigrants must be matched by stringent measures to stem the flow of future illegal immigratio­n.

The House is currently considerin­g a Senate bill (Senate S744) along these lines; it would enable most current illegal immigrants to legalize their status but at the same time make it virtually impossible for new ones to gain a permanent foothold in the country.

Congress struck a similar compromise in 1986, with passage of the Immigratio­n Reform and Control Act, which combined amnesty for the 3 million immigrants then in the US with various bordercont­rol measures — including employer sanctions. But then the country completely failed to enforce the second half of this deal.

Happily, together with its provisions for legalizati­on, S744 includes strong lawenforce­ment measures. Besides hardening our southern border, there are provisions for employer verificati­on and computer datamatchi­ng — enforced by severe penalties for employer violators and deportatio­n of foreign “visitors” who overstay their visas.

If congressio­nal politician­s in both parties can craft a tough and realistic “grand bargain” on these terms, they would be unleashing a human capital windfall not only for the affected immigrants but for all of American society.

 ??  ?? A tidal wave of young illegal immigrants into Texas has helped harden opposition to immigratio­n reform.
A tidal wave of young illegal immigrants into Texas has helped harden opposition to immigratio­n reform.

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