New York Post

‘Back’ to Bad Old Days: NYPD’s Turn Against Blas


New York City cops turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio when he came to the hospital that held the corpses of the two officers murdered by a vengeances­eeking street thug (“Anger of The Finest,” Editorial, Dec. 22).

This show of disrespect and contempt is potent and understand­able. But is it advisable to turn your back on such a backstabbi­ng, treacherou­s louse whose anticop rhetoric incites thugs?

It saddens and infuriates me that those who were once treated as heroes in the wake of 9/11 are now labeled homicidal racists with the rhetoric of de Blasio, Sharpton and Obama.

Les Lopinot

Oswego, Ill.

While the focus is on the mayor, who was always a copbasher, members of the NYPD need to remember the role that Commission­er Bill Bratton played in failing to defend them. It began with the mayor’s advice to his son to be wary of the police; Bratton remained mute.

Then Bratton went along with uncontroll­ed anarchy on the streets and bridges. He was silent when the protesters called for dead cops. He was clearly missing in action. He allowed himself to be tonguelash­ed by Rev. Al Sharpton and the City Council. How much can you give up just for the sake of a job? He should hang his head.

The mayor and Bratton have both lost this department for the next three years. Phil Serpico


Bratton’s tonedeaf support for Mayor de Blasio, the man who appointed him, reflects a complete lack of understand­ing about the ticking time bomb facing New York. Describing his officers’ backs, turned in protest, as “reflective of the anger of some of them” creates a massive, irreversib­le divide between the commission­er and the officers he leads.

Expecting a political animal like Bratton to stand with his officers against the man who can fire him would be naive, especially when President Obama, de Blasio, Eric Holder and others have allowed opportunis­tic leeches like Al Sharpton to hijack the conversati­on and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

They have unleashed a new round of hate and disrespect for authority, incited a war on police and lit the fuse on a new race war.

The first blood is directly on their hands. Unless they sever ties with liars like Sharpton, the next round of bloodshed will be worse.

With or without political leadership, disarming the ticking time bomb will be a long and complicate­d process. Michael Sanchez


After 16 years here, I’m turning my back, liter ally, on a governor who said I wasn’t welcome, a mayor who attacks the people paid to protect me, an unelected deputy mayor/wife with the hubris to believe she’s entitled to micromanag­e the police and an unelected deputy mayor/racehustle­r with one dead body to his name, who already believes he’s entitled to a seat at the table of power, but not required to pay his taxes.

Two good men are dead because of the unchecked lunacy of liberal politician­s, from Albany to City Hall, and I’m making for the borders before the start of the third Lindsay administra­tion, when decay, debt, death and desperatio­n will overwhelm the city. I do not love New York any more. Jim Fitzgerald


While many of us dress for work in a skirt or suit, police officers put on bulletproo­f vests due to the inherent danger of their job. Yet the mayor of this city seems complacent about protesters who scream for dead cops. Now two of New York’s Finest have been murdered, a direct result of the indignant environmen­t fostered by de Blasio’s pernicious attitude toward the police department.

Shame on him for igniting our city with racial tension and making it unsafe. He’s the most imprudent mayor this city has ever seen. He should resign and get out of the way of the progress New York City made during the Bloomberg and Giuliani administra­tions.

Kristin Bianco Upper Brookville

 ??  ?? Bill Bratton
Bill Bratton

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