New York Post

Cubans keen to turn in Joanne

- By TARA PALMERI Post Correspond­ent

HAVANA, Cuba — Copkiller Joanne Chesimard may hold a special place in Fidel Castro’s heart — but ordinary Cubans eyeing a $2 million reward would rat her out in a heartbeat, several told The Post.

“A Cuban would sell out his mother for that kind of money. Money is what talks,” declared Carlos, a Havana merchant.

“A Cuban will sell you out for 5 pesos. Imagine $2 million,” added Juan, a hotel worker in the capital.

Few Cubans interviewe­d even knew Chesimard was in the country — and those who did were clueless about the $2 million reward posted by the New Jersey State Police and the FBI.

Chesimard, 67, a Black Panther and member of the Black Liberation Army, was convicted in the 1973 murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster during a shootout on the Jersey Turnpike.

She was sent to prison but busted out in 1979 with help from other black militants and has lived in Cuba since 1984.

Frank, a cabdriver, told The Post that plenty of his countrymen would turn in Chesimard — who is also known as Assata Shakur, and an the aunt of the late rapper Tupac Shakur.

“There are a lot of dissidents that live here that would. I’m not surprised that she’s being hidden,” he said.

One local named Nelson was so interested when told about Chesimard and the bounty on her head, he started his own search.

A day later he told The Post: “I spoke to many people. No one knows where she is. Only people high up in government know.”

None of those who spoke wanted their last names used.

“You have to understand the Cubans — they have to be very careful of what they say. Because the agents, they’re everywhere and they are very good at what they do,” said Frank, the cabdriver.

New Jersey cops were hopeful Chesimard would be brought to justice following President Obama’s announceme­nt earlier this month that he intends to normalize relations with Cuba.

“We view any changes in relations with Cuba as an opportunit­y to bring her back to the United States to finish her sentence for the murder of a New Jersey state trooper,” State Police Superinten­dent Colonel Rick Fuentes said.

Additional US reporting by Bob Fredericks and Geoff Earle

 ??  ?? 30 YEARS IN ‘PARADISE’: NJ State Police are offering a potential bonanza for the return of fugitive Joanne Chesimard (right).
30 YEARS IN ‘PARADISE’: NJ State Police are offering a potential bonanza for the return of fugitive Joanne Chesimard (right).

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