New York Post

Picking up his last call

Hello, ‘ he’s dying’


A woman answered a dying man’s phone as he lay shot on the floor of a Bronx dollar store Wednesday — and wound up relaying the grim news of the attack to a frantic woman on the other end of the line.

“I picked up the phone and the screen said Alicia,” recalled Anna Concepcion, who heard the ringing cellphone as she and an offduty EMT tried to comfort 22yearold Steven Maldonado.

“I answered it and she was crying already and she’s screaming, ‘ Is he all right, did they kill him?’ ” Concepcion added.

“I said, ‘ Listen, no, he’s not all right. He got shot,’ ” she told the woman. “‘ He’s dying’ . . . She told me his name was Steven and then she hung up.”

Maldonado ( inset) was walking down Broadway near West 225th Street in Marble Hill at 9: 40 a. m. when the gunman suddenly popped out of the Rich 99 Cent and Up store and pumped several rounds into him.

The bleeding Bronx man stumbled into the dollar store and collapsed.

“Everyone was scattering so I didn’t know where [ the shots were] coming from,” Concepcion said. “So I just ran up and I see this young guy on the floor in a pool of blood.

“He couldn’t speak. He was gurgling and choking on his blood and he was covered in blood.”

An offduty EMT joined Concepcion in an effort to stanch the bleeding from Maldonado’s chest.

He was rushed to New York Presbyteri­an Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, officials said.

Maldonado — who went by the name “Minor” — moved to The Bronx with his family from Puerto Rico after his uncle was killed there 15 years ago, said his mom, Sonia Torres.

A family friend, José Rosario, said, “He was a good kid, but anyone could tell him what to do. He was a follower not a leader. He fell into the wrong crowd.”

The fatal shooting was over a previous dispute, police sources said.

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